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Penny Theatre

A team project involving a live brief of "The One Room".

  • A live brief created in Unity, a free and open-source game engine.

  • Developed for a third year university module.
  • C# was used for various coded elements in the game.

  • I created the level logic and item system, alongside lighting and some placeholder assets for the environment.

  • A four person project lasting roughly three months, from February 1st to May 6th.

Project Overview

Penny Theatre was a live brief created for Windows as a four person team to fit the theme of "The One Room". We settled on a 2.5D Burtonesque platformer, in which the player must fulfil various tasks to put on a play, or face being pulled neck first off stage. I worked on the level's logic, using so-called "Acts" to run Tutorials and objectives where the player moves items into place by picking them up or using switches. Due to complications in development, I stepped in to work on some placeholder assets in the environment.

Project Challenges
  • The team was originally made of five persons, but  during development the environment artist left the team with no produced assets. As such, all members of the team had to step in in some way to produce the scene's environment as shown.

  • Due to the heavy reliance on lighting to give atmosphere, the game required various optimizations to keep the game running smoothly.

  • As the game required watching multiple different item states and positions, the item system was significantly more complicated than expected, and suffered from scope creep.

  • Implementing an animated pause system required multiple bugfixes to ensure different cases could handle being paused, restarted and reset from.


For this element, I received a grade of 76%, contributing to an overall module grade of 68%. As of right now, I am awaiting detailed feedback.

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